How can we help?
Through our work with development interests and environmental regulatory agencies, we have built long lasting relationships that enable us to facilitate timely and mutually beneficial outcomes to a variety of needs. We are problem solvers.

NPDES & Construction Stormwater
- Pre-development Permitting Analysis and Assessment
- Stormwater (NPDES) Permitting, Planning and Monitoring
- NPDES Violation Coordination for Local, State, and Federal Regulators

Living Shorelines
- Shoreline Stabilization
- Design and Permitting of Living Shorelines
- Advocating for Sandy Beaches

Wetland Delineations
- Wetland Identification and Delineation
- Wetland Assessments
- Wetland Mitigation Plans and Implementation (restoration, creation and preservation)

Endangered Species
- Endangered Species Surveys and Relocations
- Endangered Species Incidental Take Permitting and Habitat Conservation Plans
- Incidental Take Permitting and Habitat Conservation Plans

Marine Construction Permitting
- Dock and Boat Shelter Design and Permitting
- Shoreline Protection
- Commercial and Residential Projects
- Dredging via B&B Dredging

Site Assessments
- Phase I Environmental Site Analysis
- Transaction Screens
- Living Shoreline Permitting
- Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Surveys
- Environmental and Archeological Project Management and Permitting